Sector Strategies

Sector Strategies Toolkit Outlines

The below outlines were developed to offer sector-focused electronic resources for adult education practitioners, students, and workforce development partners. These Outlines can be used for contextualized lesson planning, career exploration and career awareness activities, and research. The intent of these resources is to provide a dynamic online resource that can grow to meet the needs of local programming. The Outlines are a collection of sector-specific information ranging from definitions to job descriptions to workplace videos. Specific examples from manufacturing and healthcare, including alignment with College and Career Readiness Standards, are included in these archived resources.

Sector Strategies Toolkit Outlines User Guide 2017

Architecture and Construction



High Priority Occupations

Job Descriptions

Labor market data

Facts about Construction Careers

Required skills, knowledge and abilities

Required/desired degrees and/or certifications

Regional training providers

Sector-based grants/scholarships

Career pathway maps

Career posters

Journal and magazine articles

Authentic materials (visit local employers)

Vocabulary lists

Curricular/lesson examples


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