Sector Strategies
Maps by Industry Sector
The following maps are organized by Industry Sector. Some maps may be listed in more than one sector. The maps created are a small representation of the occupations available within these sectors and do not necessarily reflect the only possible path available.
Sample Career Maps
- Agriculture Food and Natural Resources
- Architecture and Construction
- Arts, Technology and Communications
- Business Management and Administration
- Education and Training
- Finance
- Government and Public Administration
- Health Science
- Hospitality and Tourism
- Human Services
- Information Technology
- Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
- Manufacturing
- Marketing
- Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)
Blank Career Maps
Sector Strategies Toolkit Outlines
The below outlines were developed to offer sector-focused electronic resources for adult education practitioners, students, and workforce development partners. These Outlines can be used for contextualized lesson planning, career exploration and career awareness activities, and research. The intent of these resources is to provide a dynamic online resource that can grow to meet the needs of local programming. The Outlines are a collection of sector-specific information ranging from definitions to job descriptions to workplace videos. Specific examples from manufacturing and healthcare, including alignment with College and Career Readiness Standards, are included in these archived resources.
Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Job titles
Job descriptions
Labor market data
Required skills, knowledge and abilities
Regional training providers
Sector-based grants/scholarships
Career Pathway Maps
Career posters
Journal and magazine articles
Authentic materials
Contextualized basic skills instructional activities
Curricular/lesson examples
Architecture and Construction
High Priority Occupations
Job Descriptions
- Snag a Job – Construction
- Careers In Construction: Types of Construction (Canadian)
- Careers in Construction: Careers (Canadian)
- Best Construction Careers
- Career Planner Construction and Building Inspectors
Labor market data
Facts about Construction Careers
Required skills, knowledge and abilities
Required/desired degrees and/or certifications
Regional training providers
- CareerOneStop: Architecture and Construction
- CWDS: Certified TAA/WIA Training Programs/Providers List
Sector-based grants/scholarships
- College Scholarships
- Niche: College Scholarships for Construction Trades Majors
- Advanced American Construction: Schweiger Memorial Scholarship
Career pathway maps
Career posters
Journal and magazine articles
Authentic materials (visit local employers)
- Construction Simulators
- Contextualized basic skills instructional activities
- Mathematics in Construction
- Construction Math for Siding
- Construction Math for Building Materials: How to Calculate Area of a Circle
- Math in Action: Construction Episode
- How to Build a Staircase – The Home Depot
- Math for the Trades, Volume 1 – Attribution CC by Chad Flinn and Mark Overgaard
Vocabulary lists
- English Vocabulary Words for Construction (ESL)
- Language Guide: Construction (ESL: pictures, speaking and listening activities)
- Oxford Reference: A Dictionary of Construction, Surveying and Civil Engineering (online, searchable)
Curricular/lesson examples
- Florida Department of Education: Manufacturing Career Cluster Curriculum Frameworks
- List of all cluster frameworks
- McGraw Hill Career Companion
Arts, A/V, Technology, and Communications
Job descriptions
Labor market data
Required skills, knowledge and abilities
Regional training providers
- CWDS: Certified TAA/WIA Training Programs/Providers List
- CareerOne Stop: Arts, A/V, Technology, and Communication
Sector-based grants/scholarships
- College Scholarship.Org: Scholarships for Non-Traditional Students
- Pennsylvania Center for Workforce Information and Analysis
Authentic materials
Contextualized basic skills instructional activities
Business, Management, and Administration
Job descriptions
Labor market data
Required skills, knowledge and abilities
- CareerOneStop: Business and Financial, Management, Sales and Related
- WorkKeys® for Business, Management, and Administration
Regional training providers
Sector-based grants/scholarship
Career posters
- Pennsylvania Center for Workforce Information and Analysis Career Poster
- Career and Technology Education Poster: Business Management and Administration
Journal and magazine articles
Authentic materials
Contextualized basic skills instructional activities
Curricular/lesson examples
Education and Training
Job descriptions
Labor market data
Required skills, knowledge and abilities
Regional training providers
Sector-based grants/scholarships
- College Scholarship.Org: Scholarships for Non-Traditional Students
- Institute Of Physics Teacher Training Scholarships
Authentic materials
Contextualized basic skills instructional activities
Curricular/lesson examples
- LINCS – Child Development 3
- Child Development Career Pathways Bridge Prep
- Teacher Aide Lesson Sample
Job descriptions
Labor market data
Required skills, knowledge and abilities
Regional training providers
Sector-based grants/scholarships
- College Scholarship.Org: Scholarships for Non-Traditional Students
- College Scholarships.Org: Finance
- College Scholarships.Org: Real Estate
Career Posters
Journal and magazine articles
Authentic materials
Contextualized basic skills instructional activities
Curricular/lesson examples
- Finance
- Budgeting 101: Online Course for Consumers
- Capital Markets Online Course for Consumers
- Cards, Cars, and Currency Online Course for Consumers
Government and Public Administration
Job titles
Job descriptions
- Government Accountability Office
- Horticulture Jobs
- Code Enforcement Officer
- Police Officer
- Public Works
Required skills, knowledge and abilities
Sample resumes
Health Science
Job descriptions
Required skills, knowledge and abilities
Regional training providers
Sector-based grants/scholarships
- College Scholarship.Org: Scholarships for Non-Traditional Students
- Johnson & Johnson Discover Nursing Scholarship Search
Career posters
- Health Science Careers by Occupation (Over 50 Specific Health Science Occupations)
Journal and magazine articles
Contextualized basic skills instructional activities
Hospitality and Tourism
Job descriptions
Labor market data
Required skills, knowledge and abilities
Regional training providers
Sector-based grants/scholarships
- College Scholarship.Org: Scholarships for Non-Traditional Students
- American Hotel and Lodging Educational Foundation
Journal and magazine articles
Authentic materials
Contextualized basic skills instructional activities
Vocabulary lists
Human Services
Job descriptions
- Occupational Outlook Handbook: Community and Social Service and Personal Care and Service
- CAREERwise Education
Labor market data
Required skills, knowledge and abilities
- O*NET for Human Services
- WorkKeys® for Human Services
- CareerOneStop: Community and Social Service and Office and Administrative Support
Regional Training Providers
Sector Based Grants/Scholarships
Journal and magazine articles
Authentic materials
Contextualized basic skills instructional activities
Vocabulary Lists
Curricular/lesson examples
- Montgomery College Partnership: ESOL Customer Service Training
- Profitt Curriculum: Module #13 Customer Service Standards
Information Technology
Job descriptions
Labor market data
Required skills, knowledge and abilities
Regional Training Providers
Sector Based Grants/Scholarships
- College Scholarship.Org: Scholarships for Non-Traditional Students
- College Scholarships.Org: Technology Certifications
- IT Career Finders: Scholarships
Career Pathway Maps
Journal and magazine articles
Authentic materials
Contextualized basic skills instructional activities
Curricular/lesson examples
- Career and Technical Education: Information Technology Complete Curriculum
- Khan Academy: Computing (Computer Programming and Computer Science)
- Code Studio: Basic Coding and Computer Science Course
- Introductory Computing Curriculum Using Scratch
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security
Job descriptions
Labor market data
Required skills, knowledge and abilities
- WorkKeys® for Law
- CareerOneStop: Legal and Protective Services
- PA State Trooper Recruitment Brochure
Regional Training Providers
Sector Based Grants/Scholarships
Career posters
Journal and magazine articles
Authentic materials
- Seattle Police Department Manual
- PA Department of Corrections Employment Information and Application Procedures
- Deputy Sheriff Employment Application
Vocabulary Lists
Curricular/lesson examples
- Cops Learning Portal: Courses for Community Members
- Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security Curriculum
Job descriptions
Facts about Manufacturing
Required skills, knowledge and abilities
Required/desired degrees and/or certifications
Career posters
Contextualized basic skills instructional activities
- Practical Math for Manufacturing: Introduction
- Practical Math for Manufacturing: Lesson 1 Part 2
- Practical Math for Manufacturing: Lesson 1 Part 3
- Practical Math for Manufacturing: Lesson 1 Part 4
- Practical Math for Manufacturing: Lesson 1 Part 5
- Practical Math for Manufacturing: Lesson 1 Part 6
Vocabulary lists
Curricular/lesson examples
Marketing, Sales, and Services
- Bureau of Labor Statistics for Marketing
- 5 Marketing Careers You Should Explore
- World Wide Learn
- Investopedia
Job titles
Required skills, knowledge and abilities
Regional training provider
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)
Job descriptions
- Occupational Outlook Handbook: Architecture and Engineering
- Occupational Outlook Handbook: Information Technology
- Occupational Outlook Handbook: Math
- Career Cornerstone Center: Degree Fields
Labor market data
Required skills, knowledge and abilities
Regional Training Providers
- CWDS: Certified TAA/WIA Training Programs/Providers List
- College Scholarship.Org: Scholarships for Non-Traditional Students in STEM
- College Scholarships.Org: Architecture
- College Scholarships.Org: Engineering
- College Scholarships.Org: Math
- College Scholarships.Org: Life Science
Career posters
Journal and magazine articles
Authentic materials
Contextualized basic skills instructional activities
Curricular/lesson examples
- Try Engineering Lesson Plans
- Teaching App Creation with MIT App Inventor Course Curriculum
- Khan Academy for STEM
Transportation, Distribution, and Logistic
Labor market data
Required skills, knowledge and abilities
Regional Training Providers
Sector Based Grants/Scholarships
- College Scholarship.Org: Scholarships for Non-Traditional Students
- The Material Handling Education Foundation, Inc.
Journal and magazine articles
Authentic materials
Contextualized basic skills instructional activities
Curricular/lesson examples
- Material Handling Institute: Education Resources/Classroom Modules
- LINCS – Moving from Private Warehouse to Public Distribution Center
- Selecting Modes of Transportation
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