Career Coaching
Career coaching provides opportunities for adult students to examine career pathways and explore a variety of options so that they can make informed decisions about their careers. Students can look at local employment data including current and projected job openings, recent job growth data, occupations and earnings matching their current interests, skills and knowledge, and specific education or training programs in the local area. The resources in this section can be used to inform or enhance the implementation of career coaching strategies.
Featured Resource
The Integrating Career Pathways Elements into Adult Education Programming was developed to provide adult education agencies with fundamental information and multiple resources to infuse a career pathways approach into their programming. The guide is intended to provide information and resources for a diverse adult education staff with varying levels of experience.
Career Awareness Resources and Exploration Guides
- Career Awareness Checklist
- Career Coaching Components
- Career Conversation Starters
- Career Information Checklists
- Career Information Checklists aligned to the Foundation Skills Framework
- CareerOneStop Work Values Matcher
- Career Planning Administrative Checklist
- Checklist and Standards-Based Sample Activities
- Digital Tools that Support Exploration
- Employer Career Conversations
- Exploring Apprenticeships
- Health Care Career Pathways and English Language Learners
- Integrating Career Awareness in the ABE & ESOL Classroom Curriculum Guide
- On Our Way: Educational Toolkit for Families
- PA Career Guide
- PA Companion Guide
- PA CTE Brochure 2019
- Pennsylvania Career Pathways Coaching Components: A Resource Guide
- Post Secondary Career Conversations
- 20 Ways to use Career Pathway Maps
Career Pathways Programming Resources
- Pennsylvania Center for Workforce Information and Analysis now includes data on occupational wages for more than 800 occupations.
- Career Pathways Toolkit: A Guide for System Development this toolkit will provide the workforce system with a framework, resources, and tools for states and local partners to develop, implement, and sustain career pathways systems and programs.
- Pennsylvania Career Guide contains wage and job outlook information for more than 250 occupations, interest assessments, tips for marketing yourself, sources of financial aid and contact information for Pennsylvania’s public schools, PA CareerLink(s) offices, and selected state agencies.
- Financial Aid Toolkit is a one-stop shop designed for practitioners to access information, including financial aid tips, outreach suggestions, handout templates, and videos to promote post-secondary education and training with students.
- Getting Them There is Pennsylvania’s comprehensive site that provides assessments, activities, and free handouts that can be adapted for adults exploring post-secondary opportunities. A full glossary of post-secondary terminology is just one of the features of this web site.
- National College Transition Network is a great source of information to help to prepare students adult learners to succeed in post-secondary education that leads to jobs with family sustaining wages.
- Integrating Career Awareness Curriculum prepares adult educators to incorporate career awareness and planning into their instructional and counseling activities.
- Adult College Completion Tool Kit connects state administrators and local practitioners to the strategies, resources, and technical assistance tools resulting from the Department’s work.
- The Center for Workforce Information & Analysis (PA Work Stats) is Pennsylvania’s leading source of innovative workforce information.
- O*NET OnLine has detailed descriptions of the world of work for use by job seekers, workforce development and HR professionals, students, researchers, and more.
- Pennsylvania’s Real Time Labor Market Information site (previously Job Spidering) allows job seekers to review thousands of online job postings from dozens of web sites in one location.
- mySkills myFuture helps laid-off workers and other career changers find new occupations to explore.
- CareerOne Stop Contains tools to help job seekers, students, businesses, and career professionals.
- PA CareerLink® gives you the tools you need to find a job in Pennsylvania and surrounding states.
- My Next Move is an interactive tool for job seekers and students to learn more about their career options.
- The Commonwealth Workforce Development System (CWDS) links businesses and individuals to Pennsylvania’s workforce development.
- FabFems – Find guest speakers, mentors, and career exploration field trips in your local area.
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