Basic Computer and Mobile Skills
Operates and performs fundamental tasks on devices to support learning at home, school, and in the workplace.Optimizes operating system functionality and effectively uses and troubleshoots the hardware and software of computers and mobile devices. Possesses the digital resilience necessary to learn and utilize emerging technologies,and has effective strategies for transferring skills and knowledge among various devices and applications.
1.1 Optimizes Operating System Functionality
Identifies an operating system and optimizes its functionality for life, work, and education purposes. Pursues effective strategies for transferring skills and knowledge to new devices and for troubleshooting problems.
Identifies an operating system and its parts. Additionally, recognizes common security threats and privacy settings. (BCM 1.1.1)
• Basic Computers: Learn about different types of devices, getting started with a computer and controlling and navigating a computer.
• Computer Basics – What is a Computer: Learn about the various types of devices, including desktop, laplop, tablets, and smartphones, computer parts, and the differences between hardware and software and PCs and MAC.
• Computer Basics: Inside a Computer: Learn about the basics of the inside of a computer.
• Computer Basics: Understanding Operating Systems: Learn about what an operating system is and does and the different types of operating systems.
• Computer Basics: Getting to Know Your Computer’s OS: Learn the basics about getting started on a Windows or MAC operating system, including the interface, opening files and applications, adjusting settings, and shutting down.
• Examine the Windows Operating System: Learn the purpose of an operating system, how to identify different operating systems, how the operating system relates to hardware and sotware, and desktop features and buttons. There (Note that the demonstration is using a Windows 7 computer. Some information might be outdated.)
Distinguishes different types of devices and utilizes common controls with detailed instructions. (BCM 1.2.1)
• Computer Basics – What is a Computer: Learn about the various types of devices, including desktop, laplop, tablets, and smartphones, computer parts, and the differences between hardware and software and PCs and MAC.
• Basic Computers: Learn about different types of devices, getting started with a computer and controlling and navigating a computer.
• Computer Basics: Parts of a Computer: Learn about the basic parts of a computer, such as the case, monitor, keyboard, and mouse.
Distinguishes different types of devices and utilizes common controls with detailed instructions. (BCM 1.2.1)
• Computer Basics – What is a Computer: Learn about the various types of devices, including desktop, laplop, tablets, and smartphones, computer parts, and the differences between hardware and software and PCs and MAC.
• Basic Computers: Learn about different types of devices, getting started with a computer and controlling and navigating a computer.
• Computer Basics: Parts of a Computer: Learn about the basic parts of a computer, such as the case, monitor, keyboard, and mouse.
1.2 Manages Hardware
Locates and distinguishes the physical components of various devices, and optimizes their functionality for life, work, and education purposes. Troubleshoots problems and adapts when new technology is available.
Level 1
Distinguishes different types of devices and utilizes common controls with detailed instructions. (BCM 1.2.1)
Computer Basics – What is a Computer: Learn about the various types of devices, including desktop, laplop, tablets, and smartphones, computer parts, and the differences between hardware and software and PCs and MAC.
Basic Computers: Learn about different types of devices, getting started with a computer and controlling and navigating a computer.
Computer Basics: Parts of a Computer: Learn about the basic parts of a computer, such as the case, monitor, keyboard, and mouse.
Level 2
Uses and manages an operating system and troubleshoots basic issues, seeking assistance as needed. (BCM 1.1.2)
Computer Basics: How to Use Your Computer’s Built-in Help: Learn the basics of using a computer’s help menu.
Windows Basics: 15 short lessons for learning about the basics of Windows, including navigation, finding and working with files, common computer tasks, adjusting settings, common applications, keyboard shortcuts, and more. Some of the tutorials would be applicable to levels 1 and 3 within this compentency.
macOS Basics: 14 short lessons for learning about the basics of macOS, including navigation, finding and working with files, common computer tasks, adjusting settings, common applications, keyboard shortcuts, and more. Some of the tutorials would be applicable to levels 1 and 3 within this compentency.
Use Windows and the Windows 7 Operating System: Understand and learn to use Windows, including ways to minimize and maximize windows, and work with multiple windows, and use the toolbar menus. (References Windows 7. Some information might be outdated). Also applicable to software comp, level 1
Use Personalization Features & Access Software Programs: Learn to use Window’s personalization features, such as adjusting screen resolution and launching and closing various software programs. (References Windows 7. Some information might be outdated).
Create and Organize Files: Learn to create, save, retrieve, and organize files and folders. (References Windows 7. Some information might be outdated).
How to Manage and Back Up Files: Learn how to manage and back up files using local and cloud storage and flash drives. (References Windows 7/Explorer. Some information might be outdated).
Search Files and Folders: Learn to compare file types and extensions, the steps involved in using network devices, and search for files and folders. (References Windows 7/Explorer. Some information might be outdated).
Tech Savvy Tips and Tricks – Backing Up Your Files: Learn about different ways to back up your files.
Using a PC (Windows10): Learn about the defintion of an operating system and Windows 10, working from the desktop, files and folders, working with Windows, saving and closing files, and deleting files. This is an interactive module with practice elements embedded throughout the module and at the end of the lesson.
Computer Basics (Windows 10): Student and teacher materials for learning to use the Windows 10 operating system. There are learner handouts and activity sheets, lesson plan, Power Point presenation, and a completion certificate.
Using a MAC (OS 11): Learn about the defintion of an opearting system and Mac (OS 11), working from a desktop, files and folders, saving and closing files, and deleting files. This is an interactive module with practice elements embedded throughout the module and at the end of the lesson.
Computer Basics MAC (OS 11): Student and teacher materials for learning to use the MAC (OS11) operating system. There are learner handouts and activity sheets, lesson plan, Power Point presenation, and a completion certificate.
Using a MAC (OS X): Learn about the MAC (OS X) operating system, desktop, files and folders, using windows, saving and closing, and deleting files.
Computer Basics Maintenance: Learn tips and tricks for improving computer performance, stability and speed through common maintenance tasks. Includes a Power Point presentation, lesson plan, and a student handout.
Level 3
Optimizes OS functionality and has effective strategies for transferring skills and knowledge to new devices. Troubleshoots OS problems with little to no assistance. (BCM 1.1.3)
Computer Basics: Basic Troubleshooting Techniques: Learn basic troubleshooting techniques for issues such as, computer freezing, apps loading slowly, keyboard and sound problems, etc.
Windows 10 – How To Change Screen Resolution and Size: Learn to change the screen resolution and display size on a Windows 10 computer.
1.3 Adapts to New Software
Navigates and utilizes common functions of unknown software for life, work, and education purposes, troubleshoots problems, and adapts when new technology is available.
Level 1
Distinguishes different types of devices and utilizes common controls with detailed instructions. (BCM 1.2.1)
Computer Basics – What is a Computer: Learn about the various types of devices, including desktop, laplop, tablets, and smartphones, computer parts, and the differences between hardware and software and PCs and MAC.
Basic Computers: Learn about different types of devices, getting started with a computer and controlling and navigating a computer.
Computer Basics: Parts of a Computer: Learn about the basic parts of a computer, such as the case, monitor, keyboard, and mouse.
Level 2
Uses and manages an operating system and troubleshoots basic issues, seeking assistance as needed. (BCM 1.1.2)
Computer Basics: How to Use Your Computer’s Built-in Help: Learn the basics of using a computer’s help menu.
Windows Basics: 15 short lessons for learning about the basics of Windows, including navigation, finding and working with files, common computer tasks, adjusting settings, common applications, keyboard shortcuts, and more. Some of the tutorials would be applicable to levels 1 and 3 within this compentency.
macOS Basics: 14 short lessons for learning about the basics of macOS, including navigation, finding and working with files, common computer tasks, adjusting settings, common applications, keyboard shortcuts, and more. Some of the tutorials would be applicable to levels 1 and 3 within this compentency.
Use Windows and the Windows 7 Operating System: Understand and learn to use Windows, including ways to minimize and maximize windows, and work with multiple windows, and use the toolbar menus. (References Windows 7. Some information might be outdated). Also applicable to software comp, level 1
Use Personalization Features & Access Software Programs: Learn to use Window’s personalization features, such as adjusting screen resolution and launching and closing various software programs. (References Windows 7. Some information might be outdated).
Create and Organize Files: Learn to create, save, retrieve, and organize files and folders. (References Windows 7. Some information might be outdated).
How to Manage and Back Up Files: Learn how to manage and back up files using local and cloud storage and flash drives. (References Windows 7/Explorer. Some information might be outdated).
Search Files and Folders: Learn to compare file types and extensions, the steps involved in using network devices, and search for files and folders. (References Windows 7/Explorer. Some information might be outdated).
Tech Savvy Tips and Tricks – Backing Up Your Files: Learn about different ways to back up your files.
Using a PC (Windows10): Learn about the defintion of an operating system and Windows 10, working from the desktop, files and folders, working with Windows, saving and closing files, and deleting files. This is an interactive module with practice elements embedded throughout the module and at the end of the lesson.
Computer Basics (Windows 10): Student and teacher materials for learning to use the Windows 10 operating system. There are learner handouts and activity sheets, lesson plan, Power Point presenation, and a completion certificate.
Using a MAC (OS 11): Learn about the defintion of an opearting system and Mac (OS 11), working from a desktop, files and folders, saving and closing files, and deleting files. This is an interactive module with practice elements embedded throughout the module and at the end of the lesson.
Computer Basics MAC (OS 11): Student and teacher materials for learning to use the MAC (OS11) operating system. There are learner handouts and activity sheets, lesson plan, Power Point presenation, and a completion certificate.
Using a MAC (OS X): Learn about the MAC (OS X) operating system, desktop, files and folders, using windows, saving and closing, and deleting files.
Computer Basics Maintenance: Learn tips and tricks for improving computer performance, stability and speed through common maintenance tasks. Includes a Power Point presentation, lesson plan, and a student handout.
Level 3
Optimizes OS functionality and has effective strategies for transferring skills and knowledge to new devices. Troubleshoots OS problems with little to no assistance. (BCM 1.1.3)
Computer Basics: Basic Troubleshooting Techniques: Learn basic troubleshooting techniques for issues such as, computer freezing, apps loading slowly, keyboard and sound problems, etc.
Windows 10 – How To Change Screen Resolution and Size: Learn to change the screen resolution and display size on a Windows 10 computer.
1.4 Uses Mobile Devices for Learning
Navigates, utilizes, and optimizes the functionality of mobile devices for life, work, and education. Demonstrates effective strategies for transferring skills and knowledge to new devices, troubleshoots problems, and adapts when new technology is available.
Level 1
Distinguishes different types of devices and utilizes common controls with detailed instructions. (BCM 1.2.1)
Computer Basics – What is a Computer: Learn about the various types of devices, including desktop, laptop, tablets, and smartphones, computer parts, and the differences between hardware and software and PCs and MAC.
Basic Computers: Learn about different types of devices, getting started with a computer and controlling and navigating a computer.
Computer Basics: Parts of a Computer: Learn about the basic parts of a computer, such as the case, monitor, keyboard, and mouse.
Level 2
Uses and manages an operating system and troubleshoots basic issues, seeking assistance as needed. (BCM 1.1.2)
Computer Basics: How to Use Your Computer’s Built-in Help: Learn the basics of using a computer’s help menu.
Windows Basics: 15 short lessons for learning about the basics of Windows, including navigation, finding and working with files, common computer tasks, adjusting settings, common applications, keyboard shortcuts, and more. Some of the tutorials would be applicable to levels 1 and 3 within this compentency.
macOS Basics: 14 short lessons for learning about the basics of macOS, including navigation, finding and working with files, common computer tasks, adjusting settings, common applications, keyboard shortcuts, and more. Some of the tutorials would be applicable to levels 1 and 3 within this compentency.
Use Windows and the Windows 7 Operating System: Understand and learn to use Windows, including ways to minimize and maximize windows, and work with multiple windows, and use the toolbar menus. (References Windows 7. Some information might be outdated). Also applicable to software comp, level 1
Use Personalization Features & Access Software Programs: Learn to use Window’s personalization features, such as adjusting screen resolution and launching and closing various software programs. (References Windows 7. Some information might be outdated).
Create and Organize Files: Learn to create, save, retrieve, and organize files and folders. (References Windows 7. Some information might be outdated).
How to Manage and Back Up Files: Learn how to manage and back up files using local and cloud storage and flash drives. (References Windows 7/Explorer. Some information might be outdated).
Search Files and Folders: Learn to compare file types and extensions, the steps involved in using network devices, and search for files and folders. (References Windows 7/Explorer. Some information might be outdated).
Tech Savvy Tips and Tricks – Backing Up Your Files: Learn about different ways to back up your files.
Using a PC (Windows10): Learn about the defintion of an operating system and Windows 10, working from the desktop, files and folders, working with Windows, saving and closing files, and deleting files. This is an interactive module with practice elements embedded throughout the module and at the end of the lesson.
Computer Basics (Windows 10): Student and teacher materials for learning to use the Windows 10 operating system. There are learner handouts and activity sheets, lesson plan, Power Point presenation, and a completion certificate.
Using a MAC (OS 11): Learn about the defintion of an opearting system and Mac (OS 11), working from a desktop, files and folders, saving and closing files, and deleting files. This is an interactive module with practice elements embedded throughout the module and at the end of the lesson.
Computer Basics MAC (OS 11): Student and teacher materials for learning to use the MAC (OS11) operating system. There are learner handouts and activity sheets, lesson plan, Power Point presenation, and a completion certificate.
Using a MAC (OS X): Learn about the MAC (OS X) operating system, desktop, files and folders, using windows, saving and closing, and deleting files.
Computer Basics Maintenance: Learn tips and tricks for improving computer performance, stability and speed through common maintenance tasks. Includes a Power Point presentation, lesson plan, and a student handout.
Level 3
Optimizes OS functionality and has effective strategies for transferring skills and knowledge to new devices. Troubleshoots OS problems with little to no assistance. (BCM 1.1.3)
Computer Basics: Basic Troubleshooting Techniques: Learn basic troubleshooting techniques for issues such as, computer freezing, apps loading slowly, keyboard and sound problems, etc.
Windows 10 – How To Change Screen Resolution and Size: Learn to change the screen resolution and display size on a Windows 10 computer.